Emergency rabbi needed for Bar-Bat mitzvah officiating Chicago

Hi Rabbi,

Janelle and I wanted to thank you for leading such a wonderful Bar Mitzvah ceremony for Jason.  We could not have been happier with everything – between the setting, the weather, the service and Jason’s performance in fact, it was just perfect!  We also received terrific comments from many of our guests on how much they enjoyed your service and your comments to Jason.  Your work with Jason to get him prepared was also excellent – he felt confident and it showed!

We so very much appreciate your efforts on our behalf to make it a special day for Jason and our family.

Dan and Janelle

"warm, heimish, experienced, inspiring"

"Have Torah will travel"

847 331 3584 rabbichicago2@gmail.com

Mazel tov! Its that time in your lives-to plan your child's simcha. For whatever reason, you'd prefer to celebrate the bar or bat mitzvah of your child outside of the regular synagogue setting. You'd prefer your backyard, or a restaurant, park, country club, or other venue. I've conducted services in all.  I am a Rabbi with 30 years Congregational experience, who tutors bar-bat mitzvah students at your home, plan the personalized service with the family and officiate. I have experience with Reform, Reconstructionist, Conservative, so I can plan any type of service you wish with you.

Tutoring fees

Officiating only: $600

Package for tutoring and officiating at bar/bat mitzvah simcha $1750 total

includes  Torah rental fee, all lessons, officiating at the service, providing the prayer books)

Hi.  We wanted to thank you so much for such a wonderful service.  Everyone was telling us how warm and nice it was.  They also said that they learned a lot!! We appreciate your time working with Ava and being so patient.  She truly enjoyed the whole experience!! Thank you again and we look forward to having u work with Eden in the future.  June 14, 2014

June 7, 2014 
Bar Bat Mitzvah tutoring, service design, and officiating. For the Chicago metro area: Skokie, Northbrook, Glenview, Highland Park, Wilmette, Glencoe, South Suburbs, Evanston, Deerfield, South Suburbs and more


Dear Rabbi,
Its been a week since Alex Bar Mitzvah... It was was one of the most beautiful and important days in our life...full of precious moments, emotions and feelings.
Thank you Rabbi for the beautiful ceremony, for your presence, warmth of your smile and your big heart :0)
All guests were impressed, and they really enjoyed the ceremony. Some of them were really happy to learn more about our beautiful religion :0) Thank you Rabbi for that amazing experience which will stay in my heart forever. We wish you a peaceful and beautiful Shabbat, 
Hannah and Alex 


Bar Bat Mitzvah training and officiating in Chicago


My system for tutoring has been refined over the course of years, again and again --   It is designed to help your child achieve success, while catering to the individual needs of your child



Tutoring fees

Package for tutoring and officiating at bar/bat mitzvah simcha $1500 total 
or $50 per tutoring session (we meet in person -every other week is best) + $500 for officiating at the service if that is desired

1. Learn Torah and Haftarah blessings
2. Learn to chant a haftarah specific for the  week you select
3. Learn to chant as much Torah for that  as you want to learn
4. Learn to lead as many prayers as you wish, Hebrew and English
5. We'll help prepare a dvar Torah sermonette on the Torah and haftarah portion

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