Glad you are exploring conversion
"I hope this email finds you and yours doing well. I wanted to let you know that I completed conversion in Orlando. The Rabbi spoke very highly of you. They told me I was well prepared. I can't tell you how nervous I was. I had reread my conversion essay I'd written for you and the course materials several times. Thank you for helping me be prepared! I think your course is great!! Chris, June 2014
Glad you are interested! Why do people want to convert? There are many reasons. Often an inter religious marriage sparks an interest in the non-Jewish partner that can lead to a desire to share the religion of his or her spouse. Similarly, when an interfaith couple decides to raise children, the non-Jew may initially decide to explore Judaism in order to seek a religious common ground for the family. Other men and women seeking religious meaning in their lives find that Judaism offers them the best medium of religious expression. Some tell us they can't totally explain it, but have wanted to be Jewish since they were children. Some have a Jewish father or grandparent and at some point decide to commit. Whatever your motivation, we'll help.
Michael standing with Jewish fiance, converted June 9. 2014 and beit din is reading his conversion document. From Michael
"I finished the last week session It has been an incredible enlightening spiritual journey for me and I am very blessed to have learned and studied from you with your incredible curriculum and amazing videos. I have learned so much over the course and I now have the tools and foundation to move forward. I am amazed at all the history of the Jewish people. I am so excited to convert and have found a religion that I love and agree with. Thanks again for the amazing course it was a Mitzvah reading every word that you have laid out for me! I will never forget this experience and it has changed my life for the good." Michael June 3. 2014
This website is dedicated to those who are considering becoming "Jews by choice." We want to make your journey as easy as possible. Making a decision to convert to Judaism is a very personal commitment. We hope your journey is a meaningful one and that this site will be helpful in the steps ahead of you.
$495 plus books for the entire course.
1. Initial contact: If you are interested in exploring the possibility of conversion, call or send an email, or simplky email back the filled in enrollment form provided on this website. The form asks you to explain why you are interested and asks for some basic information about you.
2. Study: All Rabbis require that you study. Ours is a home schooling program to make the study as flexible for you as possible, while still offering the most inspiring and thorough background our beit din feels you need to make an informed choice. You use books, videos, a detailed curriculum and as much guidance from us as you wish. We have taught this course for decades. Now it is available as home study due to the technology of videos. Our course is a prerequisite for conversion to Judaism. The curriculum requires readings in: Jewish Literacy, Basic Judaism, Complete Handbook of Jewish Living, Jewish Study Bible, Emet Ve-Emunah, Siddur, and Amazing Adventures of the Jewish People. It includes a curriculum of 38 Jewish values, videos we created or selected, memorization texts for each session, an eight question essay, a 100 question exam, and terms to define. Topics covered included: theology, mitzvote, Holy Books, denominations, synagogue, prayer, history, kashrut, Holidays, Shabbat, people hood, conversion, anti-Semitism and Holocaust, Israel, Life cycle, life-after-death, messianic era etc. This course was part of Adult Education program awarded a Gold Medal by USCJ in 2009.
3. Religious Practice & Observance:
Personal: In the conversion process, learning and exploration of beliefs are compiled with the creation of a life of Jewish religious practice and fulfillment of mitzvot (commandments). Through the process you to study the mitzvot/commandments and traditions and make decisions about which ones you bring into your life and home based on knowledge and commitment.
Communal: We encourage you to participate in as much synagogue and broader Jewish community life as possible. We realize sometimes our students live very far from a local Jewish community and regular attendance is not possible. If possible, we recommend attending Shabbat worship services at least twice a month, as well as High Holy Day services, holiday celebrations and other religious, educational, cultural and social offerings as often as you can in order to experience the variety of Jewish religious life. Many rabbis will not convert someone unless they attend regularly. Whhile we strongly encourage that, we know many of our students live far from a Jewish community. We say "do the best you can" but that should not preclude you from being a Jew!
4. Time Line for Conversion: Each person is unique. While some may be relatively new to Judaism as they begin the conversion process, others may have been living a Jewish life for many years. Typically, the conversion student should expect 4-6 months or longer to complete the course and make an informed and emotional sound decision.
5. Concluding Rituals and Ceremonies: The rituals of conversion allow you to enter the covenant of Judaism by proclaiming your faith and commitment to the Jewish people. There are several steps to the concluding ritual once you've finished the course of study and written the essay.
Beit Din-a panel of three Rabbis we assemble to reflect on and assess your journey via skype interview and we supervise your immersion in a lake, river, ocean, stream in your home town.
or you can convert with your local rabbi, if you have a relationship with him/her and he/she will oversee the conversion, using our course as a basic prerequisite for the study
Stella Standford BA, Harvard PHD, loved our program. Converted June 9, 2014. Seven months pregnant so fetus gets converted too!
The Conservative and Orthodox denominations do not officially endorse online learning for conversion, but we do have students accepted and participating all over the world, converted with our Reform beit din
Mikeveh-immersion in a ritual bath, which can include lake, river, ocean. Our beit din occurs at the community mikvah.
Hatafat Dam Brit-this ritual, part of many men’s conversion journey, can be explained to you by the clergy. The choice of whether or not to take part in this ritual is ultimately the decision of the Jew-by-choice for Reform, required for Conservative
Public Affirmation-if you finish with us, after the mikvah we read your conversion certificate, bestow the Hebrew name you have chosen and bless you
The Course is $495
+ Books can be ordered by you from Amazon or we can ship. A couple of the books are available as ebooks if you prefer.
- 2 of the 75 from Indonesia
Mexican family
Our conversion program is described by our students as "thorough", "inspiring", "fun", "easy to comprehend," " a real bargain", and "exactly what was missing"!
New Jew: fiance from Boston
TESTIMONIALS ( see more on testimonial page)
- I wanted to thank you for all of the effort you have put into this course. For people like me, it is exactly what has been missing. Michael, Germany
- We learned so much and you made it seem is was fun and easy. Mary, Monoco
- I can't believe that I have just sent my final session. The course has been so enjoyable and informative and I cannot wait for my conversion to finalize everything." Iona from UK Jan. 2014
- I'm very excited about the visit and conversion conclusion, can't wait! It has been extremely educational and I couldn't wish for a better program :) Thank you so much and see you on March 24th !! Nikita Thailand
- I just want to admit that I cannot describe how I am happy. With you and the help of Hasmen a new path opened in my life. I am really delightful for everything which I am learning and becoming a Jew via conversion period day by day. Thank you very much for everything.
- I was studying with a Reform Rabbi for online conversion and he charged me almost $250 a week and left me broke. I didn't think it was worth it so I found you guys and I am so glad I did."
4 Chicago converts share their stories with a Congregation
Then you receive the documents attesting to your Jewishness, are blessed and given your Hebrew name!
Enrollment form for conversion course
Long Distance Conversion-to-Judaism Program
Return this form via email to
Today’s Date:
Name: Date of Birth:
Gender Male or Female? If male, are you circumcised?
Phone: Email:
Mailing address
Name of Spouse (if applicable):
Is your spouse/partner Jewish already? Or converting also?
Names(s) and ages of Children: Indicate if they are converting and if not, why not:
How did you learn about the program?
Please briefly explain your interest in converting to Judaism: Tell us anything about your educational history, present/past religious affiliation, family or personal situation you think we should know. (The final essay will ask for more detail). This is confidential and will only be read and shared with the beit din.
Read and put initials here
___I/we understand that any conversion may not be acceptable to some Rabbis
and the Israeli Orthodox Rabbinic establishment.
__I/We do not accept Jesus/Yeshua as our Lord and savior,
or messiah.
Describe any prior Jewish learning. If you have previously
worked with a rabbi, include name and contact info:
PAYMENTHow to Purchase books and pay tuition for the course
______ I adult converting$495. You buy the books
______Or I want you to buy and ship all materials within USA $595
______Or I live outside the USA and want you to send all materials $640
_______# of people besides you who is converting 18 and older 50% discount
@$250 each additional person (If you have a partner who is Jewish, we strongly encourage them to take
the course with you, but no extra charge for him/her.
Pay for course and materials with credit card or ask for paypal request
Credit card #--------------------------------------------------------------------
Expiration date______________________
Security code on back__________________________
We very much look forward to working with you!
Not all accept online conversion study and not every conversion is accepted by all. The Orthodox and the Conservative Movements in general do not accept distance learning for conversion. But, we have rabbis, all genuine ordained, who sit on our beit din who have converted hundreds, who particapte all over the world. Other local Rabbis have accepted our course and converted our students with whom they have a relationship.
The process of conversion penetrates a person's innermost character and spiritual being, demanding an examination of self and other that may culminate in the adoption of a new identity.
Because of the potential consequences both to the convert's psyche and to the Jewish people--particularly at times when conversion to Judaism was banned by the ruling powers--rabbis have always urged conversion candidates to carefully consider their own motivations.
Note signing up for the conversion does not guarantee the beit din will agree to convert you. In almost all cases they do after the course, but it is not automatic. You must finish the work, pursuade them of your sincerity, etc.
The Talmud, in fact, states that the first question that the beit din--the rabbinic court that rules upon a conversion--must ask of a potential convert concerns motivation, "Why should you wish to become a proselyte; do you not know that the people of Israel at the present time are persecuted and oppressed, despised, harassed, and overcome by afflictions?"
Conversion candidates are urged to learn as much as possible about Jewish religion and culture, to seek out Jewish experiences, and to talk to a rabbi early in the process. When both candidate and rabbi agree that the time for conversion has arrived, and the candidate is ready, the formal conversion procedure begins.
Denominational Differences
Because the different movements have such different visions of what constitutes a "good Jew," the requirements for conversion can vary significantly among them. A traditional beit din, for example, expects a conversion to be based entirely upon the desire to become a Jew, whereas the liberal movements permit more latitude in a candidate's initial motivation. Many liberal rabbis will perform a conversion for the sake of an upcoming marriage, reasoning that exposure to Judaism in the context of an intimate relationship is likely to inspire such a convert to eventually accept Judaism for its own sake. Even the process of conversion is a matter of contention among the movements. Whereas traditional rabbis expect the candidate to undergo all rabbinically prescribed rituals, liberal rabbis may use rituals more selectively (althoughcircumcision is a nearly universal requirement).
If the candidate is male, the first step in a traditional conversion is to undergo brit milah, or circumcision, or if already circumcised, hatafat dam brit [ritual extraction of a drop of blood]. Reform and Reconstructionist rabbis may offer the candidate a choice about hatafat dam brit if he is already circumcised.
Once the circumcision has healed, a beit din is assembled. This three-person court, generally comprising at least one rabbi and two other observant Jews knowledgeable about the laws of conversion, has sole authority to rule on the convert's readiness for conversion. The beit din explores a candidate's sincerity by evaluating his or her knowledge, motivation, and intent to live as a Jew. For traditional Jews, a convert must assent to kabbalat ol ha-mitzvot, acceptance of the yoke of the commandments, that is, a willingness to accept the validity and often to commit to the performance of the Jewish commandments. Liberal rabbis usually ask only for a commitment to perform selected commandments.
The mikveh water is symbolic of the in-between state, or liminality, of the convert, who is undergoing what amounts to a spiritual rebirth. The immersion, known as tevillah,symbolically cleanses the convert of past misdeeds and prepares the convert for a different future and destiny. Following immersion, the candidate is officially considered a Jew and can legitimately recite the blessing for immersion that includes the words "who has sanctified us with the commandments."
The newborn Jew takes on a Hebrew name, but a given name only is not sufficient to locate a person within the Jewish tradition. When Jews sign legal documents or are called up to the Torah, their parents' names are appended to their Hebrew names to locate them in Jewish spiritual space. A convert traditionally adopts Abraham and Sarah as spiritual parents and in legal situations is referred to as "ben Avraham Avinu," "son of our Father, Abraham," or "bat Sarah Imenu," "daughter of our Mother, Sarah."
Even for the most sincere converts, the post-conversion period can be challenging, as the new Jews-by-choice reestablish relationships with their birth families, develop new ones with newly acquired Jewish families, and work to bridge the emotional gap between feeling like "a convert" and being a Jew who truly feels part of am Yisrael, the Jewish people. With patience, persistence, and a realization that the process is one of evolution, not revolution, the convert acquires that combination of knowledge, habit, and subculture that constitutes an enduring Jewish identity
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